Guest Blogger: Joanna
"Dad-dee, you're my favorite dad-dee.
You tickle me, fly me in the air, give me mohawks, wipe my butt, and give me lots of kisses. You're pretty cool. Thanks for always carrying me to the car in my plastic basket. I like it. I can tell by the noise you make when you strain to lift me that you like it, too. Thanks for letting me grab that weird fuzzy hat you wear all of the time. I saw that some of it fell off of your head and is stuck to your arm so I'm glad I can help you by pulling it off. I can't wait to play with your legos and Star Wars ships. I also can't wait to ask you for things after mommy tells me no."
Now that mommy has regained control of the keyboard, I wanted to state that I adore my husband. It is because of this that we bought our little princess a Darth Vader shirt that she could wear on Father's Day.
And so I present:
Princess Vader
Dark Overloard of Cuteness and Master of Squee
I mean, really, can the child get any cuter? It's ridiculous!