Cloth Diapers: Not So Dirty Thirty

30 weeks strong and still lovin' our fluff. We've made a few adjustments in our routine these past months:

Firstly, we don't use liquid detergent anymore - we now use Tide concentrated powder for our HE washer. The first time I used the Tide powder, I immediately noticed the colors were brighter, the lining was softer, and no need for baking soda on every wash. There are also a ton of coupons online and in the papers for it. When I combine them with in-store sales, I'm spending about 20% less on Tide than I was on Method.

Secondly, we don't hang the covers up to dry anymore - we throw the covers into the dryer with the liners and wet/dry bag and run them on low (or no) heat. I used to air dry them every time until someone asked me why, and I said "I don't know. I thought I had to." She then told me that I didn't have to. So I don't!  I also use fragrance-free dryer sheets. Some CD mamas don't use dryer sheets, but I think they're important if you have animal dander around the house.

She swam in her riches like Scrooge McDuck
Thirdly, we've gotten into the habit of using disposables when we travel. Shocking, I know. We love using Kroger brand diapers and they are about 25% less than the brand names. Kroger is also great about giving coupons so they often end up being about 50% less. We also switched her formula and baby wipes to the Kroger brand, too - that switch saves us another $12 a week.

And now a bragging moment about a recent haul from Kroger. Using store and manufacturer coupons, I paid $4.36 for 2 boxes of 96ct diapers, 2 72ct wipes, 2 puff snacks, 2 bottle brushes, 2 trainer sippy cups, 3 20oz coke zero's, and a box of Cheerios. #winning

In other cloth diaper and saving money news, Jonathan, Joanna and I went yard sailing and scored a sweet deal on more diapers: for $25, we got a bumGenius OS (one size) pocket, a bumGenius AIO (All-In-One), 2 Fuzzibunz medium covers, 6 bamboo inserts, 4 microfiber inserts, and 3 Planetwise wet/dry bags.

We also bought a new custom diaper from Smush Tush just in time for Father's Day! It's (na na na na na na na na) BATMAN!

Even though I'm adding $45 to our total investment, we're still getting $55 in savings this month.

Total Personal Investment: $263
Savings To Date: $554 
Return On Investment: + $291


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