Baby Joanna

Baby Joanna is 1lb 3oz and "perfectly healthy" to quote the doctor. She has her daddy's lips and her mama's attitude (she was posing for the camera already!)

Joanna was smiling and waving - she even stuck her tongue out at us! Our ultrasound tech gave us a free DVD of it, too! Normally they charge you like $25. She let us see her in 3-D but it was kind of creepy - her hands were in her face the whole time so she looked like Davy Jones.
It's true. Our baby is way cuter than any other baby in the world.

Here are my pre-appointment thoughts:
I'm very excited and somewhat sad - the anticipation of getting to know more about our little baby has been so wonderful. The mystery behind how big he/she is, how many fingers and toes, will he/she like boogers or tiaras; it's been fun to wonder. Wonderfun. Funderful. ahh! So excited!

Here are some questions/answers from today's appointment:
  1. Are you suuuuure my due date is October 23rd?
    1. Yes. (well, the ultrasound tech said I was measuring for October 20th, but either way it's still October and not twins.)
  2. Can I get more drugs?
    1. Yes.
  3. Can I dye my hair?
    1. Yes.
  4. What can I eat so I'm not lightheaded?
    1. Protein.
  5. I'm getting cramps in my lower abdomen more often - is that the baby moving? Are there foods I should avoid?
    1. No, it's all normal.


  1. *waves* Hi baby Joanna! Tiamanda can't wait to give you a hug! :) be good for mommy! <3 you already!


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