Unplanned Doctor's Visit

Instead of complaining and punching people in the face in my head, I decided to call the doctor and ask what I can do about my pain and discomfort. They had me come in, pee in a cup to rule out a UTI, weigh myself (I'm 187 now!! AHH!), took my blood pressure, then I sat in the stirrups for about 10 minutes.

Doc checked all she needed to check (i.e. cervix for dialation and baby's heartbeat) and she said everything looked normal. She said a good belly support band should take care of the pain and discomfort.

Apparently one of the perks of carrying only in the front is that gravity has way more fun pulling everything down.

I'm going to leave work early tomorrow and head up to Northern VA to get a good belly support band. Then on Friday I'm off to NYC with my mom! woo hoooo!


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